The REST APIs are undergoing active development and many of the below APIs are either not yet implemented or not fully functional. This mainly serves as a reference of what the final APIs will eventually look like.

GET /api/info

Returns basic information about the LedFx instance as JSON

    url: "",
    name: "LedFx",
    version: "0.0.1"

GET /api/config

Returns the current configuration for LedFx as JSON

GET /api/log

Returns the error logs for the currently active LedFx session

GET /api/schema/devices

Returns all the valid schemas for a LedFx device as JSON

GET /api/schema/effects

Returns all the valid schemas for a LedFx effect as JSON

GET /api/devices

Returns all the devices registered with LedFx as JSON

POST /api/devices

Adds a new device to LedFx based on the provided JSON configuration.

GET /api/devices/<deviceId>

Returns information about the device with the matching device id as JSON

PUT /api/devices/<deviceId>

Modifies the information pertaining to the device with the matching device id and returns the new device as JSON

DELETE /api/devices/<deviceId>

Deletes the device with the matching device id.

GET /api/effects

Returns all the effects currently created in LedFx as JSON

POST /api/effects

Create a new Effect based on the provided JSON configuration.

GET /api/effects/<effectId>

Returns information about the effect with the matching effect id as JSON

PUT /api/effects/<effectId>

Modifies the configuration of the effect with a matching effect id and returns the new configuration as JSON

DELETE /api/effects/<effectId>

Deletes the effect with the matching effect id.

WebSocket API

In addition to the REST APIs LedFx has a WebSocket API for streaming realtime data. The primary use for this is for things like effect visualizations in the frontend.

Will document this further once it is more well defined. The general structure will be event registration based.